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Welcome to the Two Main Educations;

Int. Sexologist & Int. RelationshipTherapist

  • Start dates & prices for all the 41 Educations can be found in the Application Form – you can download here.

  • The 2 Main Educations are 100% Online.

  • 34 out of the 38 Specialist Educations are 100% Online.

  • It is possible to visit the various Sexology Schools of IAS, around the world – and to be an active part of social events such as The Sexology Festival October, each year – and to visit BohemainGarden on Camps.


About IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy

IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy is one of the largest academies in the World within modern sexology and couple therapy – with a focus on the whole person.

IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy started I 2009 – and will be 15 years September 23, 2024. This year IAS starts the 73rd team.

The teaching staff is currently consisting of 68 well-educated and skilled, empatic teachers – from all over the world.

Science & Wisdom

At IAS Science and Wisdom go hand in hand. IAS includes general and clinical sexology, psychology, therapy – as well as lifestyle – and with respect for the ancient traditions, tantra, yoga, ayurveda and meditation. 

Frames, Facts & Exam

IAS has a total of 41 Educations: Sexologist & Relationship Therapist, 38 Specialist Educations and the crown juvel of the academy, the research education – MasterResearcher.

All Educationa at IAS Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapyinclude exam and certification. 

The main educations; Sexologist and RelationshipTherapist, as well as Master-Researcher each last approx. 1 1/2 years, with 13 modules of 3 days. Mostly Friday Saturday and Sunday. Friday and Saturday at 9.00-17.00, Sunday at 9.00-15.00.

Online Teaching – Global Line

At Global Line, the teaching is 100% online. We have developed our online teaching over many years – and have students from all over the world; Germany, England, Finland. Northern Norway, Sweden, USA, Italy etc.

This means that we at IAS are extremely stable and operate with minimal cancellations, regardless of whether the world is affected by pandemics, unrest or otherwise chalanged.

Advantages of Online Teaching.

Many of the trained therapists now work 90% or 100% online. The world has become accustomed to Online access – to meetings, consultations & teaching.

For the student, it offers an enormous number of advantages. You have no costs for transport. You can receive the lessons at home from your own living room. You can be traveling or stationed abroad for a time – and still receive the teaching there. You can move to another place, without it affecting your study! There are unimaginable possibilities.

If you are at home one day with a cold or a virus, you can continue to receive lessons, without being absent and without infecting others. This also means that we have an extremely low dropout rate and absenteeism rate. The students love the Academy – and we love them back with lots of knowledge & good energy!

Online Intro

If you are thinking about starting educations at IAS – is it a good idea to join the Online Intro, which is free and runs in English, on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6-7 p.m. Danish hour.



Focus on the Whole Human Beeing – as on the Whole World.

At IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy, we focus on the WHOLE person – with the starting point that sexuality is a natural and important part of life. The training as a sexologist also contains elements of couple therapy/  relationship therapy. Relationship Therapy is continued in the RelationshipTherapist Education, where the main focus is on relationship therapy itself and where several techniques and therapeutic tools and directions are introduced.

We strongly recommend studying both main educations, each 1 1/2 years, preferably simultaneously, for a total of 2 years of study.

Sexologist & RelationshipTherapist start this year, 2024 both in the spring, April & May. Sexologist, this year, comes in a more concentrated version, and can thus, as an exception, be completed in no more than a total of 1 1/2 years.

This means, that in the first year, both educations are studied at the same time, with an exam and completion of the Sexologist Education, after year 1. After this, the RelationshipTherapist Education continues, the last six months, and is concluded with an exam, after of total of 1 ½ from start to the end.

From 2025, the Sexologist starts every year in September and the RelationshipTherapist starts every year in May. This means that the first half year the first of the educations is studied alone, the next year both are studied simultaneously, and the last half year the second education is studied alone. A total of 2 years. You choose which of the educations, you start with!

There are no sexual manifestations on the educations. There is a professional approach to the material, just as there is respect for the individual student’s personality and boundaries. A non-disclosure agreement is signed for all educations, on module 1.

Education as a Sexologist and RelationshipTherapist is aimed at both men and women, young and old, which i.a. is reflected in the teaching subjects, and in the fact that the teachers on the educations consist of both women and men, younger and older.

We accept from 18 years and above. The oldest student was 70 years old. Average age currently 32nd year. There are more women than men, but the number of men is growing steadily year by year!

The educations invite the students to an interdisciplinary forum, that way you learn a lot from and from each other. We aim for accepting students who are empathic and balanced individuals, with a good head, such that the student can read the literature, solve the tasks at the studio and debate with his/ her/ their fellow students.

At IAS we aim for making the world a better place to be. We work actively with the UN’s goals.

3. Good Health and Wellbeing. 4. Quality Education. 5. Gender Equality. 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth. 10. Reduced Inequalities. 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and 17. Partnerships.


We believe & trust, that through common goals, common learning and common working together – we can achieve much more – than if we were on our own, in our own countries, and with people more close to ourselfes in age, sex, upbringing, culture and believes!

Therefore we have taken the chalanges on our shoulders – for that simple reason – to make this World a better place to be and to live in, for you and for me and the intire polulation!

At IAS we make goals worth learning for! And We Love our Students With  Knowledge & 41 Brillant Educations! 

At IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy we actively advocate and work for achieving & maintaining The UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Det HELE menneske


At IAS we aim for making the world a better place to be. We work actively with the UN’s goals. Especially the 7 Goals of:

3. Good Health and Wellbeing

4. Quality Education

5. Gender Equality

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

10. Reduced Inequalities

16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions &

17. Partnerships.


We believe & trust, that through common goals, common learning and common working together – we can achieve much more – than if we were on our own, in our own countries, and with people more close to ourselves in age, sex, upbringing, culture and believes!

Therefore we have taken the chalanges on our shoulders – for that simple reason – to make this World a better place to be and to live in, for you and for me and the entire population!

At IAS we make goals worth learning for! And We Love our Students With Knowledge & 41 Brilliant Educations! 


Det HELE menneske


Attendance and Leave Rules 

Attendance requirement is min. 90% to be able to take the exam and be certified. Should the exam, contrary to expectations, not be passed the first time, it is possible to take it again. The School of Sexology holds an average of 3 exams per year. It is not possible to take leave of absence on the Specialist Educations. 

Admission requirements 

The specialist education for Didactic Sexologist requires that you are registered/admitted to the Sexologist education, already study Sexologist or have graduated as a Sexologist. You can apply with Sexologist education from other schools. However, it may be a question of taking supplementary modules, e.g. 1-3 of them, depending on other educational background. This is assessed individually. 

Parallel programmes – Line 

The specialist education for Didactic Sexologist builds on / together with Sexologist, and can be advantageously combined with: Youth Sexologist, Occupational Sexologist and Sleep Therapist. If you want to hear more about the Specialist Educations, join our special Intro about the Specialist Educations “Intro Special“, where Yazmin Fox Eisen, talks about all the Specialist Educations – and why we recommend these Specialist Educations together – in this Line. 


An Online Introduction to the 41 Educations at IAS – Meet Founder & Leader of IAS, Int. Sexologist & RelationshipTherapist Yazmin Fox Eisen

Online Intro runs 1st Wednesday each month, at 6.00-7.00 pm, Danish Time. It is free to participate.

In the Online Intro you will:

  • Know more about the story of IAS
  • Hear about the two main Educations; Int Sexologist & RelationshipTherapist
  • Be presented to some of The Specialist Educations

And there will be plenty of time to ask questions.

After 7.00 pm. It will be possible to ask questions 1 on 1, to Yazmin Fox.

For competitive reasons, IAS’s Education Plans & Literature lists cannot be found online, but you will have plenty of opportunity to briefly see several of the plans in Online Intro.


The Educations for Int. Sexologist and RelationshipTherapist each last 1 – 1 ½  year, which is divided into 13 modules of 3 days each, mostly Friday-Sunday. Meeting times are Friday and Saturday at 9.00-17.00 and Sunday at 9.00-15.00, Danish Time.

The Teams in Global Line is a mix of students from different countries in the World. Mny come visit during the educations, here in Denmark – and many students visit each other in their specific countries, during or after the education. They get to know each other and build the basis for a future network, collaboration, and lifelong friendship. We have many of our trained therapists who collaborate across countries, have deep friendships – and even couples “born” at IAS 🙂  

Each Education requires self-therapy & supervision, participation in study groups and that you have study clients along the way. At Int. Sexologist there is a written + oral exam. At Int. RelationshipTherapist there is an oral exam.

The education plan and literature list for all the education programs are provided on Module 1, day 1.

We recommend that students enroll in the Int. Forum ASRT – which is for Int. Sexologists and Int. RelationshipTherapists.


Founder & Leader of IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapi is Yazmin Fox Eisen. Full name: YazminAnaïs Katarina Fox Eisen

Head and founder of IAS, as well as one of the main lecturers on the educations, is Yazmin Fox Eisen. Yazmin Fox is educated in general and clinical sexology at Gothenburg University, Faculty of Psychology, where she has also been associated as a guest lecturer. She has worked with clients, taught, lectured and educated for more than the past 30 years. In addition, Yazmin Fox is trained in yoga, tantra and ayurveda, plus she has an NLP Business Practitioner in coaching and management. Graduated Prep and Kiff manager from the School of Family Development Copenhagen.

Yazmin Fox spoke in 2011 at WAS, the World Congress of Sexology Glasgow. In 2022 & 2023, Yazmin Fox & IAS have been chosen by the Social Department in Greenland to train & educate the psychologists in the Children’s Travel Team to become Sexologists & Didactic Sexologists, as a special task. Yazmin Fox is also currently teaching on more Universities, amongst others Oslo University. Read more about Yazmin’s long career, background, and skills here.


As a modern woman with a vibrant and active sex life, I ask myself: Is it ok to have a sex life? Yes, of course society responds…! But is it actually possible to talk about sex without giggling a little? 

We are part of a society where the sex education presented to our children and young people is mediated by teachers who are not trained sexologists – is that ok? We say No at the School of Sexology – and that is why we have also launched the Didactic Sexologist Education, a superstructure to the Sexologist Education. So that the teachers we send out in primary and secondary schools actually know what they are talking about and are trained for it for at least 2 years! They are comfortable with what they convey and have chosen to be in the role of sex educator. It provides high-quality sex education – and is a real quantum leap in the field. We believe our children and young people deserve the best, and in such an important area as sex, love, communication and relationships! 

How aware are we really, when it comes down to it, of what goes on in the body, mind, etc. when we have sex? Is the vagina really a natural and respected part of life? Is it wrong if we love exotic sex? Is it still the practical approach where children are the end result that is the most respected “sex”? I say no! 
Let’s push the phrases a little and dare to stir the pan a little. Is there anything sexier than having children, and isn’t good old-fashioned love also one of the best aphrodisiacs? Is sex something that takes place in your tens, twenties and thirties? And should it be pushed forward, like an old ranger, when we get into the forties and fifties ….? 
What is sexy and arousing for the 50-year-old man looking at his naked wife – is it her familiar scent, the warmth in her eyes, is it the secret between them? Sex is passion. And passion is a bit of a science – one that you can learn, but should also be forgotten again when you live it! 
Conclusion: Sex is definitely “IN”. It is the direct gateway from the man to the woman, from the woman to the man, the man to the man, and the woman to the woman. There are many types of good sex, there are many couple constellations and ways to live your love life. We look at this in the Sexologist and Couples Therapist programmes. 

 “All living people have a sexuality, but not all people have a living sexuality” – Quote Yazmin Fox Eisen. 


The educations to become Sexologists and Couples Therapists include both the Scientific facts with recent research in the field mediated by a hand-picked staff of doctors, midwives, nurses, psychologists, etc. and all the undeniable and necessary wisdom found in the old traditional health systems such as the Sexologist and Couples Therapist. Ayurveda and Erotic Tantra. 

We have found and put together a staff of 68 teachers, who we consider to be some of the best teachers in each of the many areas – with the aim of being able to offer modern, innovative, interdisciplinaryup to date” high-quality educations, which have been missing for far too long. 

The Educations for Int. Sexologist and RelationshipTherapist each last 1 – 1 ½  year, which is divided into 13 modules of 3 days each, mostly Friday-Sunday. Meeting times are Friday and Saturday at 9.00-17.00 and Sunday at 9.00-15.00, Danish Time (CET). 

The Teams in Global Line is a mix of students from different countries in the World. Mny come visit during the educations, here in Denmark – and many students visit each other in their specific countries, during or after the education. They get to know each other and build the basis for a future network, collaboration, and lifelong friendship. We have many of our trained therapists who collaborate across countries, have deep friendships – and even couples “born” at IAS 🙂   

Each Education requires self-therapy & supervision, participation in study groups and that you have study clients along the way. At Int. Sexologist there is a written + oral exam. At Int. RelationshipTherapist there is an oral exam.

The education plan and literature list for all the education programs are provided on Module 1, day 1.

We recommend that students enroll in the Int. Forum ASRT – which is for Int. Sexologists and Int. RelationshipTherapists.



On the educations to become a sexologist and couples therapist, we have thrown out the “law of jante” and invited the Nordic countries and the world in. We want to reach out – both beyond the Danish borders and beyond what has otherwise been seen. 

Our experience is that the vibrant collaboration with the other Nordic countries gives the individual student the opportunity to build an enriching Nordic network, build friendships and professional relationships, which often lead to deeper relationships and professional cooperation. At the Sexology Festival this year in Oslo, Sexologists from both Norway, Denmark and Sweden – even the United States – participate. 


The teachers on the programmes are carefully selected from what we consider to be some of the best in the field in the teaching areas they each represent. We currently have. 68 teachers affiliated with the School of Sexology, from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands, France, the United States, etc. The individual student is evaluated for each teaching day, and the teachers are supervised. 


In the educations to become a sexologist and couples therapist, we unite Science and Wisdom. The two V’s stand side by side” – equal and inseparable. We bring together the best from the two “camps”, just as many of the teachers through their educational background – doctor/psychotherapist, midwife/acupuncturist, nurse/nutritional therapist etc. – are interdisciplinary professionals. We are the first to focus on the body through healthy diet and nutrition. We take an extra look at lifestyle and daily exercise, awakening of the senses, etc. In both cases, because it is the whole person we are working with – and because what is good for the body is also good for sex, reproduction, fertility and love.” For example, if we have to get up at 6:00 in the morning to run and be fresh, present and initiating deep conversations and sex at 10:30 p.m. – then we have to take very good care of our body and give it some real nutrition and a healthy lifestyle! 

Working with Student Clients along the way and receiving supervision benefits the individual student and inspires the other students when supervising in class. In this way, the graduated Sexologist & Couples Therapist knows what to do when the exam is in house, as the experience with client work has already begun and questions about premises, PR, pricing, etc. have already been clarified. This is one of the reasons why the Sexology School’s trained Therapists do so well and many are full-time employed. 

The educations for Sexologist and Couples Therapist include self-therapy/ Supervision 1 to 1. Thus, the participants also go through a personal process, development and transformation during the educations and they are supervised individually, so that they are firmly in the role of modern sexologists and couples therapists. On the one hand, the Self-Therapy/Supervision course matures and makes the individual more aware, and on the other hand, the course gives the participants a professional confidence to fulfill the role of modern Sexologist and Couples Therapist. The students also receive Self-Therapy and Supervision in groups. 


There is a great demand for skilled sexologists and couples therapists in the Nordic countries – in the world, and many have opened their eyes – and want to educate themselves. Many Psychologist Houses and Health Centres today house Sexologists and Couples Therapists from the School of Sexology, several headhunted before they have even graduated. Our goal is to create – and give Denmark/Norway/Sweden – the world, the best possible Sexologists & Couples Therapists and Specialists. Modern Sexologists, Couples Therapists and Specialists, who are extremely competent and know where the modern person’s real problems lie in sex life and relationships – and they know how to solve these. We will delve below the surface, where deep sexological and couples therapy insight and broad knowledge are absolutely necessary qualities of the modern, practising Sexologist & Couples Therapist. It is our experience that in this way we best help the modern person. 


– 13 modules over the course of 1 1/2 years. Friday-Sunday
Self-therapy/ Supervision 1:1. min. 10 h.  
Self-therapy in the team in case work
– Supervision takes place in the class
– Study groups, 3 hours per month
Student clients min. 30 hours on each programme

Examination. The sexologist programme concludes with a written exam. The sexologist and couples therapist educations both end with an oral examination and certificate after passing the exam. 


– All Module Dates for all 3 Lines and all 41 Programmes can be downloaded directly from the front page.
– As something new, the Litteraturelist for the main courses is sent to the main education programmes already after admission and registration. However, we reserve the right to change the list if a new relevant book is published, or a book is discontinued from publishers and can no longer be obtained. The fact that the Litteraturelist is handed out already at admission and registration, means that elEven can start by obtaining and reading the books in advance, and be in good time before the education starts!
– Self-therapy & Supervision 1:1. min. 10 hours can also be started directly after admission and registration, and in this way be in advance.


On the Application Form you will find: 

Start dates for all programmes and education awards  

– Training packages incl. discounts 

– Info about payment rhythms, including payment at once or in installments 

In addition to the education price, you must calculate expenses for: 
Self-therapy & Supervision 10 hours per main education
– Books. Average 1.2 books per month. (more can also be borrowed at the library)

On the Degree Programmes, you must calculate earnings from: 
The min. 30 hours. Study clients under each of the Main Programmes. 

As a general rule, the costs of Self-Therapy & Supervision usually go up with the earnings from the 30 hours of student clients.


It is possible to study individual modules on the main programmes; Sexologist and couple therapist. Up to 4 out of the 13 modules. Applies to each of the programmes; Sexologist and couple therapist. Prices for individual modules can be found on the Application form. 





  • What is sexuality?
  • Sex and attitudes through time. Historical and cultural considerations.
  • Love and the meaning of love for our lives and sexuality.
  • The sexuality of the woman and the man. Anatomy, physiology, psyche etc.
  • Ethnic minorities and their sexuality. Difference between women and men.
  • Gender identity and homosexuality etc.
  • Sexual dysfunctions and the use of techniques and medical aids
  • Chronic diseases – what does it do to sexuality?
  • Sexual disorders and minorities.
  • Sexual assault. Taboo and trauma. The offender.
  • Sexuality and sexual development of children and adolescents
  • The facets of single life
  • Birth control. Both the modern and those we know from other traditions.
  • Fertility and conception
  • Pregnancy. Sex, before – during – and after pregnancy.
  • The different orgasms – and the way to them.
  • Desire and passion – throughout life.
  • Faith Hope and Love. Beliefs and the impact of religions on how we experience sexuality.
  • Where are men and women different, and how do we communicate best?
  • Infidelity, jealousy and divorce.
  • Pornography and views on the man and woman with the eyes of the media / advertising world.
  • Desire, zest for life and passion in yourself and your relationship.
  • Disability and sexuality. Innovative and relevant knowledge in the field.
  • The sexuality and love affair of the elderly.
  • Sexuality and relationship as the disabled.
  • Sexual minorities, fetishism etc.
  • The sexual self-image – who am I as a sexual being?
  • Sexual fantasies and desires.
  • Disabled and sexuality.
  • NLP other methods of understanding / working with different pers. types.
  • The modern woman’s problems, such as vulvodynia, vaginismus, pms etc. plus techniques.
  • The modern man’s problems, potency problems, identity etc.
  • Taoist tantra, Erotic Tantra and tantra yoga.
  • Ayurvedic techniques for strengthening body, mind and spirit.
  • Diet, nutrition and lifestyle. It’s affect on our sexuality, lust and fertility?
  • Food, herbs and supplements – as an aphrodisiac, and for a long happy and healthy life
  • Awakening of the senses through scent, taste, sight, touch and sound
  • Happy nights – for happy days
  • Student clients – How – When and Why?




  • What is couplestherapy/ relationshiptherapy?
  • Couplestherapy and attitudes through time. Historical and cultural considerations
  • Love and communication and the importance of our lives and relationships
  • Different ways to communicate and react as a woman and as a man
  • Conflict patterns
  • Ethnic minorities and their sexuality. The virginity myth etc.
  • The good relationship. How do we survive and live as two, together
  • Party therapy, as developing, preventive, conflict resolution and healing. Couple identity and parcel self-image
  • Psychological violence, physical violence and sexual violence in relationships
  • Open relationships as well as circular relationships
  • Social control in modern Nordic society
  • Equality and gender equality in the Nordic countries and the world
  • Jealousy and infidelity
  • New start in life
  • Dating at different ages
  • Tantric Meditation
  • 7 nights of Tantra
  • Family formation
  • Development of the relationship
  • Check out the relationship
  • The good relationship – what does science say?
  • Communication with the media
  • Positive PR – Study of the Nordic couples and their love life
  • Non-violent communication
  • Solution-focused communication
  • Focus on language and thinking
  • Focus on connection
  • Externalization in the personal narrative
  • Love language
  • The love thermostat
  • Learning to love unconditionally
  • To feel the body and be present
  • Divorced parents – cooperation
  • Rescuebox – to prepare for difficult periods
  • Involuntary infertility & fertility treatment
  • Check out the relationship
  • Social controle – and relationshipbuilding
  • When the relationship is over
  • Career sparring
  • Task guide
Kærestepar holder i hånden


After passing the exam, there are many different options for how you can use your new educations for Sexologist & Couples Therapist: 

  • You can, for example, start your own practice as a practicing Sexologist & Couples Therapist – either alone or together with a colleague, other sexologist, couples therapist, psychologist, family therapist, etc. Many Psychology Houses & Health Centers recruit the Sexology School’s Sexologists & Couples Therapists and Specialists. 
  • You can also give lectures and teach in the private sector, at evening schools, folk high schools, in the business community, in primary schools, in youth education, in associations. 
  • You can be employed in the business community and be permanently attached as a sexologist and couples therapist in a larger company. 
  • You can write articles, chronicles and books. 
  • You can create a telephone advice line. 
  • You can create your own counselling site on the internet, act as an expert on another website or be an expert in “Sex and Samliv” in a newspaper or weekly magazine. 
  • You can participate in sexological congresses in the Nordic countries and the rest of the world 

     And much more!



The educations to become a Sexologist and Couples Therapist give you, at the same time as a high level of professional knowledge – also great personal knowledge and insight that can be used in your own private life. It will also make you an even better therapist.
During the educations, you will be presented with many topics and directions, which you yourself have the opportunity to open up to and continue with, e.g. through self-therapy and also through the Specialist Educations.
At the School of Sexology, there are a total of over 16 years of education.

The educations for Sexologist & Couples Therapist give you, with its focus on the whole person, good, thorough, serious educations with a high professional level. The education to become a Sexologist & Couples Therapist also gives you a direction and a meaningful job that you can use throughout your life. and that you can always practice, within a flexible working day, with the number of weekly hours and opening hours that you decide. You get a job that you can always practice, young and old, and that you only become too old for when you are so old that you have completely forgotten what sex and relationships are!


ABeing a Sexologist & Couples Therapist are titles that you can be happy and proud of. And the world is ready! Going to a Sexologist & Couples Therapist is an expression of taking responsibility for your sex life and your relationship
As a Sexologist and Couples Therapist, you will meet people in the field of sex/love/relationship. You meet them where life can be at its best or hurt the most. 

Equipped with the right knowledge and the right tools, you will be able to meet and receive them, help them move on, through the crisis, out of the problems – and forward to a happier life. To a life where sex, relationships and feelings work and feel good, and where the vagina becomes a natural and integrated part of “the good life” – and love, respect and good communication are a matter of course for the individual and a requirement to enter into a fruitful relationship. 

Being a Sexologist and Couples Therapist is a job with a lot of “sunshine”. There is not far from tears to laughter, and you can help turn crisis and grief into opportunities for self-development, creativity and great joy. You are in touch with life to an extent that only the few are able to do, and you can rejoice in the fact that your job has a great, and often crucial, impact on other people’s lives and happiness, even those you do not meet – the children. 

Educating yourself as a Sexologist & Couples Therapist is therefore a big and crucial decision for every student who chooses to study at the School of Sexology. It will have an impact on both your own self-image, your life and your relationship. As a graduated Sexologist & Couples Therapist, you will get a job that makes sense and where you most likely look forward to going to work every day! With your knowledge and wisdom as well as growing experience, you will be able to lift people, and you will get to help many people, singles as couples – and entire families – through your dedicated work – and that throughout your life! 


The School of Sexology has a total of 38 individual Specialist Educations, such as the Main Educations; Sexologist & couple therapist can be supplemented with. You can read more under Specialist educations.

Some students choose to study 1-2 Specialist Educations, others 5 or more. The specialist programmes can be studied alongside the main programmes or after, and help to make each student’s education unique. 


On the programme, you must be prepared to read a number of books and articles in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English. A bibliography and programme plan will be handed out on the 1st day of training. In addition, you will also often receive slides and written material from each teacher at the School of Sexology. The cost of literature is covered by the student. 


In order to take the exam, you must be able to document at least 90% attendance at the programme*, as well as approval of all assignments along the way. The exam is compulsory. Written exam for Sexologist and oral exam for Sexologist and Couples Therapist. The written exam on the Sexologist programme consists of a number of questions for the syllabus. The questions are emailed out and each student has 1 week to answer. In the oral exam, a question is drawn, which is answered in a “constructed” therapy situation. The overall result of the written and oral exams is assessed as pass or fail. If you do not pass the exam, it is possible to take the re-exam without additional charge, for the next exam on the main programmes. You will be examined by Yazmin Fox and the external examiner. You will receive a diploma/certification. The exam will be completed by the Reception and presentation of diplomas at the Sexology School Copenhagen.  

* However, the assessment of whether a student can take the exam or not is ultimately a final assessment and decision made by the school’s management. 



At the School of Sexology, we emphasize the good grades over the good grades. If you have both, we are also happy. We admit women and men who focus on Sexology and Couples Therapy as vital and essential areas in their own lives – and who would like to work with and make a positive difference in these areas in other people’s lives, as well.  

Men and women who know themselves well are “curious” about the profession and who want to make a difference with their knowledge. 

We admit from the age of 18 onwards. Our youngest student is 18 years old and our oldest 70 years old. Average age currently 32 years. The balance is currently 25% men and 75% women, with an increasing number of male applicants/students. 

You may have been through some of life’s labyrinths, and thereby gained some experience, but the most important thing is that you are highly motivated to become a professional Sexologist and Couples Therapist, that you have a good head, so that you can read the books, solve the tasks and be a good sparring partner for your fellow students. Most important of all, however, is that you are an empathetic person, passionate about the profession and that you are able to meet. 


1. The application form can be downloaded directly from the website or requested: info@sexologiskolen.dk T: +45 77 888 888. The application form is filled out and sent by email to info@sexologiskolen.dk – It is a good idea to apply well in advance, as we have many applicants. If you apply for the following year, a deposit of DKK 10,000 is paid, and you are hereby guaranteed the place. 

2. An answer will be given within 2 days if you have proceeded to an admission interview. Each application is assessed individually and is finally followed up by the admission interview, which is taken over the phone. 90% of those who are invited to an admission interview are admitted to the school. 

3. At the admission interview, ask about the various answers on the application form. Of course, you are also welcome to ask questions along the way. In the vast majority of cases, an answer is given immediately whether you are admitted or not. This is confirmed at the same time by email. In some cases, you will be invited to an extra interview if there is any doubt. Here we will be two teachers present. 

4. After admission, you will receive a training document/invoice and other practical information. The education document/invoice must be returned signed by email, within 3 days from the date of admission. That is, the place is held for 3 days.

5. The week before the start of the programme, at each of the programmes, you will receive an informative email, with practical information and info. Meeting time on day 1 is at 9.00 am. There is no reading for the 1st module


In the admission of students at the School of Sexology, we emphasize that you are a harmonious and empathetic person. You are highly motivated, passionate about becoming a Sexologist & Couples Therapist – and can see yourself in the job, far into the future. You are committed and able to meet and can have the necessary self-discipline to read the textbooks and solve the assignments in time for each module. You will be able to read a lot of literature, which is primarily in Danish, but you will also get books in English and some in Swedish and Norwegian. In Norway, it is predominantly Norwegian + Danish, English and Swedish. In Sweden, predominantly Swedish + Danish, Norwegian and English. You must be able to solve smaller and larger written and oral assignments during your studies, where you will be trained in presenting in front of your fellow students and in conducting minor studies on sex and love life among the Nordic peoples. 


On our education, we have chosen to have admission requirements. The admission requirements are relevant to ensure the high professional level we want in the education and that we want for the graduated Sexologists & Couples Therapists. It provides a good common starting point for the students – into Sexology and Couples Therapy. The high professional level is one of the most important prerequisites for us to be able to educate the most skilled Sexologists and Couples Therapists. Sexologists and couples therapists who can subsequently get out into life, lift the task, get clients and lots of success with their job. 

Finally, admission requirements and personal interviews help to ensure that the students have good prerequisites for reading and understanding the syllabus, and thus to pass the exam. 

There are many different people in the Nordic countries and in the world who need your help! Therefore, we educate Sexologists, Couples Therapists and Specialists, who are different people, with different ages, genders, ethnicities and educational backgrounds. It is therefore not a requirement from the School of Sexology that you have a therapeutic or health professional background to apply for the programmes, as long as you are passionate about the areas of sexology and couples therapy, and can meet the above. 


The education to become a Sexologist and Couples Therapist is designed by Sexologist and Couples Therapist Yazmin Fox Eisen with guidance from other teachers. We have chosen to be inspired by the education in clinical sexology at the University of Gothenburg. Supervisors on the programme include Associate Professor Lars-Gösta Dahlöf, Gothenburg, as well as board members of ASRT. 


We reserve the right to make changes.