+45 77 888 888 info@sexologiskolen.dk


Welcome to IAS – Global Line. IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy,  with 41 Int. Educations.

Join our free Online Intro  – 1. Wednesday every month
at 6.00-7.00 pm
Danish time

Here you can hear more about the Int. Edications at IAS – Global Line, and meet Yazmin Fox Eisen, who is the founder and leader of IAS Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy.

Int. Sexologist, September 20 or November 1, 2024

Int. RelationshipTherapist, April 25, 2025

Int. MasterResearcher June 2, 2025 & 38 Specialist Educations

Int. Sexologist & RelationshipTherapist - Global Line IAS

New Classes 2024 & 2025 Global Line: 

Int. Sexologist September 20, 2024 & RelationshipTherapist August 23 & May 23, 2025. 100% Online & In English

Online Intro 1st Wednesday of every month at 6.00-7.00 pm, Danish time

Join Online Intro

July 3 & August

Feel free to call us at +45 77 888 888 or send us a mail info@sexologiskolen.dk 

Press Release: "Expert sounds the alarm: More young people have serious problems in their sex lives"

young people are only 12.8 years old on average when they see porn for the first time, and 71% of 15-18 year olds have seen porn before they turned 15.

 24% of the young people tell that they have been asked to do things that they think originates from porn, and that for 6% of the girls their first time was involuntary. – It plays into the dissatisfaction of young people. They get a completely crazy unrealistic image of sex, and it rips the self-confidence out of them.

Study together with the Entire World!

Get together with fellow students from all over the world – Study Online and in English!



Yazmin Fox Eisen is the woman, heart and head behind IAS/ Sexologiskolen – which is one of the leading schools in the world – within the field om modern sexology and relationship therapy – with focus om the whole human being. IAS have schools in Copenhagen, Århus, Oslo, Bornholm and Online – incl. our Global Line – with 41 Int. educations – which is world wide and 100% Online, incl. exam. We have a huge experience with teaching Online, which we have done since many years. This adds stability to the teaching and proces of education – in a time where many things are changing in the world!

All 41 Int. educations in the Global Line – are in english – and the teachers are from differing countries, around the world.

 The founder and leader of IAS is Yazmin Fox Eisen, who is educated at the University of Gothenburg – and with more than 30 years of experience in the field of sexology and relationshiptherapy, as a teacher, lecturer, writer, debater, author, film director and therapist.

Beginning dates for Educations IAS – Global Line all in English:

Main Educations 2024:

Int. Sexologist – Global Line SG2 June 7
1 – 1 1/2 year, 13 modules of each 3 days

RelationshipTherapist. RG1 August 23, 2024
1  1/2 year, 13 modules of each 3 days

Module Dates of The 2 Main Educations:

Please Download “Module Overview” and see all Module Dates for each of the Main Educations Educations at IAS

38 Specialist Educations:

Please Download “Module Overview” and see the Beginning Dates & Module Dates for each of the 38 Specialist Educations at IAS

MasterResearcher Educations:

Int. MasterResearcher – Global Line MRG1 June 2, 2025
1 1/2 year, 13 modules of each 3 days

Module Dates of The Master Researcher Education:

Please Download “Module Overview” and see all Module Dates for each of the Master Researcher Education at IAS


Nadja Kuszon - Sexologist & RelationshipTherapist

“I chose IAS on the basis of the school’s view of the whole person. In addition, it appealed to me that IAS’s teaching contains both science and wisdom, but also just as much because I felt that Yazmin sincerely wanted the best for me and her students. Yazmin is a warm and open-minded teacher, and conveys her knowledge with presence, commitment and enthusiasm. The sexologist education has been a fantastic learning journey both personally and on a professional level, and which has led to me being able to stand on my own two feet today as an independent sexologist and lecturer. Today I have my own business, where I primarily work with singles and love challenges. I would any time recommend IAS/ Sexologiskolen”
 Nadja Kuszon, Sexologist & RelationshipTherapist

Michelle Miller - Sexologist & Psychologist

“The education has been of great importance to me personally. It has introduced me to new ways of understanding and experiencing love and sex and inspired me to search in a spiritual direction. Today I run my own practice as a psychologist and sexologist in inner city Copenhagen”

Michelle Miller, Sexologist & Psychologist

Brit Karin Wetteland Hecter Sexologi- & RelationshipTherapist Student

“The teachers and management at IAS maintain a high professional standard, and I am impressed by the academic breadth that the school embraces. The Western Scientific tradition and the Eastern wisdom – hand in hand! Many of the teachers have extensive experience in their field, and are therefore able to convey a deeper insight and understanding of the field! 

They bring with them a wisdom they have acquired through their own experiences – both when they meet clients in the therapy room and when they meet students in the classroom”

Here You Find IAS/ Sexologiskolen


Int. Sexologist & Relationship Therapist

Module Overview IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy 2024-2025


38 Int. Specialist Educations 

Is beeing updated – You can expect dates very soon!



Is beeing updated – You can expect dates very soon!


Prices & Info

In the Application Form, you will find all about prices, including different payment options etc. You can Download Application Forms, for all Educations at IAS/ Sexologiskolen on the frontpage.

Online Intro – first Wednesday, every month at 6.00-7.00 pm danish time You can join Online Intro and hear more about the Education at IAS – Global Line. Info & Join here

When do I apply & sign up for the Educations – Global Line?

As a rule, you can sign up for the educations at IAS, throughout the year. However, we highly recommend that you apply well in advance. Application for admission to all the Educations Global Line Latest 2 month before start.

TOPICS on the two main Educations;
Int. Sexologist & Int. RelationshipTherapist



  • What is sexuality?
  • Sex and attitudes through time. Historical and cultural considerations.
  • Love and the meaning of love for our lives and sexuality.
  • The sexuality of the woman and the man. Anatomy, physiology, psyche etc.
  • Ethnic minorities and their sexuality. Difference between women and men.
  • Gender identity and homosexuality etc.
  • Sexual dysfunctions and the use of techniques and medical aids
  • Chronic diseases – what does it do to sexuality?
  • Sexual disorders and minorities.
  • Sexual assault. Taboo and trauma. The offender.
  • Sexuality and sexual development of children and adolescents
  • The facets of single life
  • Birth control. Both the modern and those we know from other traditions.
  • Fertility and conception
  • Pregnancy. Sex, before – during – and after pregnancy.
  • The different orgasms – and the way to them.
  • Desire and passion – throughout life.
  • Faith Hope and Love. Beliefs and the impact of religions on how we experience sexuality.
  • Where are men and women different, and how do we communicate best?
  • Infidelity, jealousy and divorce.
  • Pornography and views on the man and woman with the eyes of the media / advertising world.
  • Desire, zest for life and passion in yourself and your relationship.
  • Disability and sexuality. Innovative and relevant knowledge in the field.
  • The sexuality and love affair of the elderly.
  • Sexuality and relationship as the disabled.
  • Sexual minorities, fetishism etc.
  • The sexual self-image – who am I as a sexual being?
  • Sexual fantasies and desires.
  • Disabled and sexuality.
  • NLP other methods of understanding / working with different pers. types.
  • The modern woman’s problems, such as vulvodynia, vaginismus, pms etc. plus techniques.
  • The modern man’s problems, potency problems, identity etc.
  • Taoist tantra, Erotic Tantra and tantra yoga.
  • Ayurvedic techniques for strengthening body, mind and spirit.
  • Diet, nutrition and lifestyle. It’s affect on our sexuality, lust and fertility?
  • Food, herbs and supplements – as an aphrodisiac, and for a long happy and healthy life
  • Awakening of the senses through scent, taste, sight, touch and sound
  • Happy nights – for happy days
  • Student clients – How – When and Why?




  • What is couplestherapy/ relationshiptherapy?
  • Couplestherapy and attitudes through time. Historical and cultural considerations
  • Love and communication and the importance of our lives and relationships
  • Different ways to communicate and react as a woman and as a man
  • Conflict patterns
  • Ethnic minorities and their sexuality. The virginity myth etc.
  • The good relationship. How do we survive and live as two, together
  • Party therapy, as developing, preventive, conflict resolution and healing. Couple identity and parcel self-image
  • Psychological violence, physical violence and sexual violence in relationships
  • Open relationships as well as circular relationships
  • Social control in modern Nordic society
  • Equality and gender equality in the Nordic countries and the world
  • Jealousy and infidelity
  • New start in life
  • Dating at different ages
  • Tantric Meditation
  • 7 nights of Tantra
  • Family formation
  • Development of the relationship
  • Check out the relationship
  • The good relationship – what does science say?
  • Communication with the media
  • Positive PR – Study of the Nordic couples and their love life
  • Non-violent communication
  • Solution-focused communication
  • Focus on language and thinking
  • Focus on connection
  • Externalization in the personal narrative
  • Love language
  • The love thermostat
  • Learning to love unconditionally
  • To feel the body and be present
  • Divorced parents – cooperation
  • Rescuebox – to prepare for difficult periods
  • Involuntary infertility & fertility treatment
  • Check out the relationship
  • Social controle – and relationshipbuilding
  • When the relationship is over
  • Career sparring
  • Task guide
  • The importance of equality in sex & gender

Join the Newsletter!

Rent a Room for your Consultations!

Get your professional clinic in the center – of Copenhagen – Århus – Oslo! Save moeny and have fun – Pay less, than if you had your own clinic. Rent  all weekdays, from monday-sunday. Open to sexologists, couples therapists, specialists, psychologists, family therapists, psychotherapists, midwives, reflexologists, Ayurvedic masseurs and other serious therapists / therapists.

Rent Professional Consultationrooms

Professional consultationrooms Copenhagen – Århus – Oslo

Do you want professional consultationrooms to welcome your clients in, good clinic / meeting rooms for therapy, treatment, supervision and group meetings? Then the opportunity is here. The rooms are differently designed, some larger with couch and chair, others smaller with sofa and desk etc. Each room has: Sign in red / green. Access to waiting room, kitchenette, toilet. Opportunity to advertise and put business cards in the waiting room. Flexible solutions!


Rent from 1 day weekly (5 hours) at. 7-12, 12-17 or 17-22 – with the option to upgrade quickly for multiple periods. We have therapists who have one period another another with 6 periods. We have available Rooms in Copenhagen: 4, Århus: 2 and Oslo: 4.


The price is Copenhagen & Århus: DKK 1.000 for each periode per month. Oslo: Nok 1.400. Fx. each monday from 12.00-17.00, same room, same city. Deposit & termination 3 months. Payment to: Merkur Bank Danmark og Cultura Bank Norge. It is possible for Renters & Students, member of ASRT and DSPF/ NSPF to buy a 10 hour card for DKK 1.500/ NOK 2.100. Please write us, if you are interested: info@sexologiskolen.dk


The Conderencerooms can be rentes for DKK 2.000/ NOK 2.800 per night from 17.00-21.00. Copenhagen: 2, Århus: 1, Oslo: 1.


We will contact you within 2 days, and invite you for a visit and tour.


T. +45 2670 5577

Rent Halls for Lectures

Professionel Conference Halls in Copenhagen – Århus and Oslo

The halls in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Oslo can be booked for lectures, teaching, group sessions, larger meetings, book receptions, supervision etc.

You are always welcome to call us and hear about the possibilities of booking rooms for lectures, teaching, etc. lign. in Oslo, Copenhagen and Aarhus. Our rooms are all centrally located, bright, welcoming – they present themselves professionally and there is access to projector and whiteboard in all 4 halls.


Inquiries regarding. rental of Rooms for lectures, teaching: Send email to info@sexologiskolen.dk “The Halls” Hall – evening: DKK 2,000 | NOK 2.800. For 10 bookings  10% discount.



For our Rooms/ Halls in Denmark

Please contact:

Yazmin Fox Eisen info@sexologiskolen.dk +45 2670 5577

For our Rooms/ Halls in Norway

Please contact:

Tone Haldorsen info@tonehaldorsen.com +47 9349 6648

You will Find Us Here

You will find IAS all over the world. With Students & Trained Therapists from Italy, Columbia, USA, Germany, Ukraine, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Denmark etc. With physical base in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, The Faroe Icelands and Greenland. Here you can visit the Academy and be part of the Sexology Festival, Culture Nights and exciting workshops. Welcome!